My Moonstone Kitchen

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Herbed Goat Cheese Log with Edible Flowers

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This colorful, whimsical Herbed Goat Cheese log is covered with fresh herbs and edible flowers. It’s super easy to make—just roll a log of goat cheese in minced herbs and a few pressed edible flowers.

The fresh herbs complement the goat cheese perfectly. You can use any blend of herbs you like—my favorite is a mix of thyme, parsley, and chives! Also, feel free to get creative with the edible flowers. I used a mix of edible pansies, but nasturtiums or sage blossoms would be so delicious, too!

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Herbed goat cheese log with edible flowers

Makes 1 goat cheese log


  • 11 oz goat cheese log (I love Silver Goat Chevre from Trader Joe’s)

  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh herbs (I used parsley, chives, and thyme, but you can use any herbs you like!)

  • Edible flowers for garnish

  • Crackers of your choice for serving

To make:

  1. Press the edible flowers between 2 sheets of wax paper and cover with a stack of heavy books for about 30 minutes.

  2. After the flowers are pressed, arrange them face-down on the wax paper, then sprinkle herbs around the flowers in an even layer. You’ll want to arrange the herbs and flowers into a solid square that is large enough for you to roll the entire log.

  3. Place the goat cheese onto the bottom edge of the herb square and use the wax paper to roll and press the log into the herbs. You’ll want to press firmly enough that the herbs adhere to the log, while still being careful not to break the goat cheese.

  4. Wrap the logs with plastic wrap and twist the ends to secure. Refrigerate for at least an hour or overnight.

  5. To assemble, place the goat cheese on a plate or platter and serve with crackers of your choice.

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